Support the Parish

Make a donation to the Parish funds

Online Giving

You can donate securely to the parish funds using the online form below.

  • Make a one-off gift
  • Set up regular giving (via your payment card)
  • Increase the value of your gift through Gift Aid

Help support our Parish

St Albert’s parish relies on the generosity of Mass-goers and other benefactors to sustain its important pastoral mission in Edinburgh. The friars pray daily for all benefactors.

Offline Giving

Donations by cash or cheque can be sent to St Albert’s (payable to ‘The Dominican Council’): St Albert’s Priory, 24 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9LD. Please indicate that your gift is for the parish funds.

Making a Gift through your Will

People are usually limited in the amounts they can give to good causes during their lifetime. But often they are able to give more support through their Will.
Once you have made sure to provide for any dependants or others you wish to help by means of your Will, do please consider if you could leave something to St Albert’s parish.
Legacies have been a big help to the parish in the past and can help us to plan for a sustained future.

You can read more about leaving a legacy here.
We strongly recommend that you contact the Parish Priest or Superior at St Albert’s to discuss making a legacy.

St Albert’s Catholic Chaplaincy is a Parish of the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, entrusted to the English Province of the Order of Preachers (the Dominicans) which is a registered charity in Scotland (SCO39062) and in England and Wales (2311192).

Edinburgh Catholic Chaplaincy

The Catholic Chaplaincy serves the students and staff of the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University and Queen Margaret University.

The Catholic Chaplaincy is also a parish of the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh (the Parish of St Albert the Great) and all Catholic students and staff are automatically members of this parish.

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