There were 28 parishioners as well as Fr Andrew, Fr Thomas and Fr Dermot.
Matters Arising from the last Assembly.
Volunteering in the Parish A List of relevant contacts/coordinators to be made available on the notice board or newsletter. This information to be signposted by priests at mass.
The film “Becoming Dominic” will be put on YouTube in May. Currently, subtitles are being prepared.
Holy Ground Talks: There was a request to have these live steamed but Fr Dermot said this wasn’t feasible in the Garden Room.
Friday Lunchtime Mass: It is not very well attended. The community may review the time but they don’t have any plans to change the time.
Parish Evangelisation: After the last assembly an Evangelisation Group was set up. It includes Fr Andrew has met a number of times. The group saw reaching out with the faith to others, especially those lacking faith, searching for faith or struggling with faith, to help them explore, commit to and be build up in the faith, is important and should be part of the life of the parish in an ongoing way.Fr Andrew has already developed and continues to develop materials to help people engage in such work (The Kerygma Project – see ) Other ideas include a short series of talks, perhaps after Easter. Topics could include (1) summary, analysis and reflection upon the latest National Census Data for Religion etc (2) the teaching of the Church on Evangelisation in regard to the Current Scottish Situation, and (3) Families Supporting Teenagers in their faith: challenges and insights.
Youth Work A strategy group, set up last time, met a number of times. The focus is on the age range from post-communion to end of secondary school. It would be a mix of catechises and social justice projects. The overall approach that would combine elements of catechesis, prayer and helping others in concrete ways alongside building friendships. It would begin informally with parents present, then move towards a more formal structure As students are not here for very long an ongoing and sustainable approach requires that members of the parish take the lead on this. It would have to be done in accordance with the church’s policies on safeguarding.
Synagogue Visit About 20 parishioners and students attended Shabbat prayers and dinner at the Sailsbury Road synagogue. It marked the relaunching of the council of Christians and Jews. We will organise a simple kosher lunch on a Sunday in early summer.
Hawick Parish Retreat. This hasn’t yet been organised. It can take place in the Autumn.
June Conference Fr Dermot that the Conference will take place on Friday 13th June and Saturday 14th June at new College. The theme will be on building hope in various situations. The conference is not an academic one but seeks to foster a practical reflection on hope.
June Conference Funding: The budget is tight this year as the friars need to carry out major roof works. The biggest cost is catering. Fr Dermot said that people would be asked to pay a fixed amount. Last year catering costs were about £75 per head, but donations were much less. Fr Dermot said it is not feasible to do the catering ourselves. Additional donations to help with the cost of the conference this year would be very welcome.
The Albertus Conference on “The Philosophy of Love” takes place on 26th April. The cost will be £10.
Justice and Peace Group So far we have raised £5.5k for St Teresa’s School of Nursing in Zimbabwe. We are wating for the Sisters to send updates but some work has started. Fr Dermot aid he would organise a Sponsored Walk on the weekend of 5th/6th of April. A Midsummer party was suggested on 21st of June. It was unclear whether or not we would repeat the Christmas card recycling. Another Swish Party was proposed and also more Sunday afternoon talks.
Other Topics for Discussion:
Music at 12pm Mass There was a request for silence after the distribution of communion, with a hymn only during the distribution. A number of people present agreed. Someone asked for more Taizé chants.
Joyous celebrations/announcements. Someone suggested that names are put in the newsletter. Fr Dermot said that a blessing at end of mass for a new child would be more effective as most young parents don’t read the newsletter. It was suggested that on a particular day we could celebrate newly baptised children each year.
Pet Blessings. Nobody present offered to bring a pet along and there were concerns about animals in the chapel. A service outside might be feasible.
Pub Quiz. This would be in Eastertide (probably May), cost £5/10 per person, with 8 tables, 2 teams per table and would raise funds for the Sisters project in Zimbabwe. A raffle was suggested.
Reflection Activities around Lent It was suggested that we do something similar to the scripture reflections last year after which people to brought food. It was felt that this was not feasible for Lent but could happen after Easter.
Eucharistic Adoration. Someone suggested that we repeat the 40 hours from previous years. Fr Dermot noted that the first time we did it, many attended but the second time the attendance was much less. There is Exposition for an hour on Wednesday afternoon, on Saturday morning and for 20 minutes before the student mass.
New Testament Greek. During Lent there will be classes for beginners in New Testament Greek.
Afternoon Tea and a Chat. This will begin informally on Tuesday afternoons.
Nametag Sunday. People know each other to see but not by name. It was suggested that on a designated Sunday people wear name tags.
The Catholic Chaplaincy serves the students and staff of the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University and Queen Margaret University.
The Catholic Chaplaincy is also a parish of the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh (the Parish of St Albert the Great) and all Catholic students and staff are automatically members of this parish.